We are happy to announce that our keynote speaker on Friday 28th July will be Karen Sandler, giving a new talk entitled “The Battle over our Technology”.
Karen’s keynote will take a broad look at ethics in technology, a topic that is fundamental to many of those involved in GNOME and something that becomes ever more relevant as technology and society develop.
Karen is currently the executive director of the Software Freedom Conservancy. She is known as a cyborg lawyer for her advocacy for free software, particularly in relation to the software on medical devices. Prior to joining Conservancy, she was executive director of the GNOME Foundation. Before that, she was general counsel of the Software Freedom Law Center. Karen co-organizes Outreachy, the award-winning outreach program for women globally and for people of color who are underrepresented in US tech. She is also pro bono counsel to the FSF and GNOME. Karen is a recipient of the O’Reilly Open Source Award and cohost of the oggcast Free as in Freedom.